The Coaching Practice | Leadership & Group Coaching
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Red Circl

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Our coaches work with your leaders in one-on-one sessions.  Each engagement is bespoke, and sessions are tailored to address the individual development needs of the participant as they are explored.

Lighter Red Circle

Group and Team coaching

Team coaching provides deep insights into the team dynamics to improve how they work together, their collective performance, and how they effectively engage with all their key stakeholder groups to jointly transform the wider business.

Orange Circle


Facilitation focuses on bringing a group to a clear specific outcome. This focus can be around: A Learning Goal / An Output Goal

Yellow Circle

Coaching Supervision

Coaching supervision provides a learning environment for a practicing coach to reflect on their interactions with their clients and the entire system in which the work is being undertaken, to provide development for the coach and improved service and outcomes for their clients

The Coaching Practice

We believe, many organisations need support to develop their leaders and lift their capability to rise to the challenges of increasingly rapid changes in technology, social trends and markets. They need leaders who can identify trends, take multiple perspectives, decisively set strategy and flexibly recognise when it needs to change. They also need leadership to engage and motivate staff – a leader without followers isn’t leading.

Group Coaching

Choose a Coach

Coaching through change and uncertainty to develop insightful, inspiring, confident leaders.
If you would like to discuss how coaching can help your leaders thrive into the future…

All our coaches are experts in individual leadership coaching. Team members also provide group coaching and other services.

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